Tischmanieren in Japan

Tischmanieren in Japan

Online-Präsentation über Tischmanieren in Japan für Anfänger*innen ohne Vorkenntnisse Wann? Am 10.2., 14:00-15:00 Wo? In Zoom – https://tu-berlin.zoom.us/j/63911061397?pwd=SEpoZDlKek11Z3poRWtxdzI3NU1rQT09 (Meeting ID: 639 1106 1397, Passwort:...
Sustainability – Trends in Science, Life-style and Culture

Sustainability – Trends in Science, Life-style and Culture

How do we define sustainability? Is it consistent with state-of-the-art sustainability concepts and practices in science, innovative technologies and trends in life-style? Whether 15-Minute city, electric cars, increasing traffic-free zones, green urban concepts,...
Film Screening: Adela Peeva’s “Whose Is This Song?”

Film Screening: Adela Peeva’s “Whose Is This Song?”

“In a small nice restaurant in Istanbul I was having dinner with friends from various Balkan countries – a Greek, a Macedonian, a Turk, a Serb, and me, the Bulgarian. There I heard The Song. As soon as it sounded we all started singing it, everyone in his...
Sustainability – Trends in Science, Life-style and Culture

Sustainability – Trends in Science, Life-style and Culture

How do we define sustainability? Is it consistent with state-of-the-art sustainability concepts and practices in science, innovative technologies and trends in life-style? Whether 15-Minute city, electric cars, increasing traffic-free zones, green urban concepts,...
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