Veröffentlicht am 13.02.2024 | Neuigkeiten
Wann? – 23.02.2024 ab 19 Uhr Wo? – Café TELquel der TU Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin 19:00 | Dokumentarfilmvorführung | “Broken Sounds” | 80 min. | Griechisch mit englischen Untertiteln Regisseur Anestis Barbatsis präsentiert...
Veröffentlicht am 10.02.2024 | Neuigkeiten
Online-Präsentation über Tischmanieren in Japan für Anfänger*innen ohne Vorkenntnisse Wann? Am 10.2., 14:00-15:00 Wo? In Zoom – (Meeting ID: 639 1106 1397, Passwort:...
Veröffentlicht am 29.01.2024 | Neuigkeiten
(ENG, main language!) Whether dashing past a stranded (and possibly belated) S-Bahn train in Mario Kart or exploring an anarchic city-state in Shadowrun: Dragonfly, Berlin has featured in several videogame titles in recent years. Though not as popular a setting as its...
Veröffentlicht am 06.11.2023 | Neuigkeiten
How do we define sustainability? Is it consistent with state-of-the-art sustainability concepts and practices in science, innovative technologies and trends in life-style? Whether 15-Minute city, electric cars, increasing traffic-free zones, green urban concepts,...
Veröffentlicht am 30.05.2023 | Neuigkeiten
“In a small nice restaurant in Istanbul I was having dinner with friends from various Balkan countries – a Greek, a Macedonian, a Turk, a Serb, and me, the Bulgarian. There I heard The Song. As soon as it sounded we all started singing it, everyone in his...
Veröffentlicht am 12.05.2024 | Neuigkeiten
How do we define sustainability? Is it consistent with state-of-the-art sustainability concepts and practices in science, innovative technologies and trends in life-style? Whether 15-Minute city, electric cars, increasing traffic-free zones, green urban concepts,...