Food in Literature

Our contemporary time-saving lifestyles reflect food culture in urban spaces; for example, from supermarkets flooded with convenience foods, the sharp rise in fast food and takeaway consumption, to the thriving segment of food delivery by low-paid labourers trudging through the streets on bicycles with food in their backpacks.

In literature preparing and feasting on food and drink is worth its time – be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. It plays centre stage when conjuring great scenes. It also sets the reader’s mind in an evocative mood. Food in Literature depicts time-consuming moments well-spent on sheer divine insights on subject, social structures and lifestyle.

We will discuss a selection of literary scenes and reflect on our relationship to food culture in our discussion rounds on the topic of „Food in Literature“. We look forward to your participation!

We will discuss this and more in our conversation rounds in English with our English Teacher/Lecturer Michelle Krapf-Bangera on:

  • 14.05.2024 – Literary Feasts
  • 23.05.2024 – Eating Outdoors
  • 03.06.2024 – Tea Time

from 19:00 – 20:30

Venue: FH 314, Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin

Registration: to participate, please send a short e-mail to: michelle.english@gmx.de

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