SKB 5 About the SKB 5 About us

The Sprach- und Kulturbörse (SKB / Language and Culture Exchange) is a self-managed student project at the TU Berlin. With our work we want to contribute to the promotion of cultural and linguistic exchange in Berlin. We offer educational opportunities in the field of culture and language for students from all over the world, employees of the Berlin universities as well as TU alumni.

Wir sind zurzeit 117 Mitgliedern, die gemeinsam das Sprach- und Kulturangebot organisieren. Wir alle verbinden ähnliche, aber auch unterschiedliche Ideen mit dem Projekt SKB. Welche das sind, kannst du hier sehen:

The Language and Culture Exchange is an institution of the TU Berlin, where current and former students from all over the world work together. We come from almost 40 countries, speak different languages, have studied different things and cover different generations: the youngest SKBers* are just 20 - the oldest over 60. We have different positionings and identities, which are linked to different privileges and experiences of discrimination - be it in terms of our origin, our culture(s), our gender, disabilities/disability, our age, our sexuality, our socio-economic status, our religion, our passport, etc.

At the SKB we try to reflect this diversity, to reduce discrimination and to share privileges. To achieve this, we organise our work in a decentralised, grassroots and solidary way.

If you feel like learning more about our project or joining us, then feel free to send us an e-mail.

Voices from the SKB about the SKB:

At the SKB, the first priority is always that everyone is thought of and no one forgotten. Knowledge is passed on as a matter of course so that other members can benefit from it.

The SKB is always a bit of a surprise, too - you never know what's coming next.

Solidarity means always holding the needs of the members as a priority. For example, we could make more money if we only offered larger courses. But we prefer to operate in such a way that as many members as possible can offer courses.

The SKB is a network of nice, open-minded people with a similar vision of the world. Alternative spaces are created here.

SKB also means trying things out and not being afraid of making mistakes. Many different formats are allowed, new ideas are always welcome.

The SKB responds very quickly to challenges. For example, it has been incredibly flexible in terms of moving to fully online operations during the Corona pandemic. I found that very fascinating and great, and I think we have a lot of very flexible people at the SKB. without whom this would not have been possible.

Unlike other language institutes, we do not have exams or credit points. This allows for more leeway for creative formats, topics and methods. Our courses are probably more creative than in other language schools because us teachers have more freedom.

SKB - everything can, nothing must!

At the SKB you feel like you're in a big family, where you can count on each other - be it in smaller groups (of friends) or at the SKB as an organisation.

Everything we do, organise and decide is not done from above or vertically, but horizontally - according to the principle of "one person - one vote".
No matter whether in the plenary assembly, in the various working groups or in the coordination team.

Grassroots democracy at the SKB is often a challenge, but it is also what makes the SKB a good place to work. No one has to be afraid of expressing their opinion. We treat each other with respect, even though there have been heated discussions occasionally. Even if a plenary assembly is sometimes very long and exhausting, you feel good afterwards because we have decided and discussed everything together.

At the SKB there is an unusual programme of language courses. Here you can learn languages that are not available at other language institutes, or if they are, then often for a lot of money.

At SKB there is room for creative, self-developed course concepts - off the track of "boring" language courses.

I like human interactions with one other. The atmosphere is often familiar and loving. If there are conflicts, usually they can always be resolved.

The SKB - language and culture rubber! Super stretchy, super adaptable and that's also because we are so diverse and experienced. We've often had to be chameleons. That pays off.

SKB - that's so many great people for me first of all!

At the SKB, people from all over the world come together with different cultures, languages, countries and backgrounds. But we not only come from different countries, but also from different subcultures.

Let's not rest on our diversity. We should always ask ourselves: How can we become even more diverse?

The SKB is ... when someone you've known for a long time suddenly starts speaking in a completely foreign language on the phone next to you.

At the SKB, everyone can contribute with their own wishes and ideas and is noticed.

Solidarity is not easy. It requires work of a continuous and creative type. In any case, it should not remain a mere slogan.

We are creative (not monotonous and not "mainstream") in our courses, our cultural offerings and our organisation!

We are in constant exchange with each other - otherwise it wouldn't work: in the office, over a beer after class, at a party, in the e-mail threads, during Corona especially virtually via video conference. SKB members like to share and to share themselves with each other.

We are multilingual - not only in our language courses, but also all of our members. Each one of us speaks at least three languages!

We find a solution for (almost) everything. Sometimes we discuss it for a long time, but in the end something good emerges.

I have never met so many different worlds, languages, characters, interests ... in one place. The SKB is a big colorful bunch.

The flat structures are a strong contrast to the hierarchies of our society. Organising ourselves in a grassroots way is an act of resistance against a hierarchised society. 

The SKB has taught and given me many things: democratic processes, rich discussions, many topics and critical thinking about these. How to formulate, question and communicate my opinions to others.

The SKB is an exchange - among ourselves and with our participants about different languages, cultures, lifestyles, knowledge, interests, opinions and emotions. We learn from and with each other.

The fact that the SKB is so diverse means that there is a constant exchange - both internally and within the language courses. I always find this very enriching and important for work in a diverse context.

Flexibility is a great strength! Not only are the people at SKB, but also the structures and processes at SKB very flexible. This allows us to react quickly to new situations and remain capable of action.

In class we laugh with one other. There are moments when we laugh at mistakes and always learn something from them, too.

Flexibility is a great strength! Not only are the people at SKB, but also the structures and processes at SKB very flexible. This allows us to react quickly to new situations and remain capable of action.

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