About the SKB
About us
The Language and Culture Exchange is a self-managed student project at the TU Berlin. With our work we want to contribute to the promotion of cultural and linguistic exchange in Berlin. We all associate similar, but also different ideas with the SKB project. You can read about them here.
The SKB - a (hi)story with ups and downs
In the meantime, the Language and Culture Exchange is over 30 years old and thus older than some of its members. You can read about how it all began in 1989 from an idea of some
TU students and how the SKB developed into an established part of TU here.
Internship and involvement
All those who work at SKB have first completed an internship. Do you also want to get involved in a self-organized project and later also teach your first language? Then do an internship with us! The SKB is regularly looking for interns for different languages.