SKB 5 Cultural Café

Cultural Café

Do you feel like talking to people from all over the world, celebrating together and experiencing culture in a relaxed atmosphere? Then visit our Kulturcafé events.

The Cultural Café is the stage of the Sprach- und Kulturbörse and offers a platform for artists from all over the world and from diverse backrounds: concerts, readings, lectures, theater plays, movie nights or workshops. And once per semester, the Cultural Café invites you to the big SKB party.

Depending on the topic, the events take place in different locations (at the university, in a bar, outside, ...). Like the SKB itself, the events are often multilingual. Mostly they are moderated in German or English and one other language.

All are welcome! Participation is free of charge.

Events this semester

We will publish the complete cultural program for the winter semester 2024/25 in the course of the coming weeks, at the beginning of November at the latest!

SKB Schnupperkurse

SKB Taster courses

Would you like to “get a taste” of a language? Don't have time for a regular language course at the moment, but still ...
Love the World or Get Killed Trying – online reading

Love the World or Get Killed Trying – online reading

Swedish-US American author and SKB-member/teacher Alvina Chamberland will be having an online reading ...
Deutsch am Dienstag – German Speaking Club

Deutsch am Dienstag – German Speaking Club

Join us every Tuesday for "Deutsch am Dienstag - German Speaking Club", the perfect chance to apply your German ...
Ausflüge mit Sprachfokus: Wedding

Excursions with language focus: Wedding

Join our Spaziergang and get a better Überblick of ...
Ausflüge mit Sprachfokus: Rixdorf

Excursions with language focus: Rixdorf

Discover Rixdorf-Neukölln auf Deutsch! Welcome to our mini Berlin excursions. Come with us to this amazing tour through the historical Rixdorf in Neukölln ...
Sprachparty: Tandem Abend für Sprachbegeisterte

Language Party: Tandem Evening for Language Enthusiasts

Hey everyone, Looking to improve your language skills in a fun, relaxed atmosphere while meeting awesome new people? Then join us ...
Spieleabend auf Italienisch: NOTTE TABOO

Game night in Italian: NOTTE TABOO

NOTTE TABOO – Games night in Italian Learn new words with the game of ...
Tanzworkshop: „Dance and connect“

Tanzworkshop: „Dance and connect“

Dance&Connect! Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Latin American dance! At Dance&Connect ...

Movie night about Balkan region

Movie night about Balkan region Im Anschluss an unsere erfolgreiche Filmwoche im Sommersemester ...
QUEER GENUG- Theaterworkshop für empowerment Bi+ Menschen

QUEER ENOUGH - Theater workshop for empowerment Bi+ people

QUEER ENOUGH - Theater workshop for empowerment Bi+ people Do you have the feeling that you’re ...

You don't want to miss a Kulturcafé date? Then sign up here for our newsletter, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Do you have an idea for an event that we should organize? Maybe you are an artist, cultural worker or activist yourself and would like to collaborate with the SKB? Or maybe you know of a great place in Berlin that can be rented at a reasonable price? Then write us an e-mail! We are looking forward to hearing your ideas.

Events in the past years

Pen&Paper Rollenspiel
Kaffee & Konversation auf Spanisch und Deutsch
Semester Abschlussparty
Positive Communication
Syrisch, Tunesisch, musikalisch
Weltreise als Sparmaßnahme
La comedia all’italiana
Two wheels are enough
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