SKB 5 Legal notice

Legal notice

Responsible for the content of this website

Sprach- und Kulturbörse der TU Berlin

Room EW24
Hardenbergstrasse 36
10623 Berlin

Email: info@skb.tu-berlin.de
Phone number: 030 314 73224

The Sprach- und Kulturbörse (Language and Culture Exchange) is an institution at the TU Berlin.


Christian Schröder
Vice President for Studies and Teaching, Teacher Education and Continuing Education

Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

Professional support

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Roelcke
Chair for German as a Foreign Language
Institute for Language and Communication

Hardenbergstrasse 16-18
10623 Berlin

Coordination of the Sprach- und Kulturbörse (Language and Culture Exchange):

Dana Bagur; Taisija Cesar; Hanna Kovács; Solweig Nothing; Urška Ota; Thomas Poveda;


Copyright notice


The content and structure of the website www.skb.tu-berlin.de/ are protected by copyright.
The reproduction, publication and distribution of information or data, in particular the further use of texts, photographs and graphic elements requires the prior consent of the Language and Culture Exchange.

Editing and website support

Claudia Groß (www.claudiagross.net); Philip title

Web development and design

Amito (www.amitostudio.com)

Brand development and illustrations

Alejandro Seguí Couzo (www.alejandrosegui.com)


Legal notice

The contents of the website, in particular the links to other websites, have been carefully selected and their lawfulness checked. Since we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages, we can not guarantee their future lawfulness and timeliness and hereby expressly distance ourselves from all law-infringing or inhumane content.

If you notice any incorrect links or illegal content on the website or on the linked pages, we would be very pleased to hear from you. We will then examine the matter as quickly as possible and replace or remove the content and links if necessary.




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