SKB 5 Learn a language 5 Language tandems

Language tandems

Are you learning a new language and looking for a way to speak it more often? Or would you like to refresh previously acquired skills? Do you want to learn some slang in the foreign language? And do you want to do it in a relaxed and familiar atmosphere? How about a language tandem?

Join our Facebook group "SKB Berlin Tandems"(in English). There you will surely find a tandem partner.

The SKB does not organise tandems, but offers the possibility to find a tandem partner through the Facebook group. Whether the tandem goes well or bad is the sole responsibility of the tandem partners.

What is a language tandem?

In a language tandem you meet up with someone who wants to learn your language and speaks the language you want to learn. In order for you to be able to learn from each other, it is important that both people have a very good command of the language that the other person wants to learn. Often it is your own first language, but it can also be another language that you know well.
You arrange to meet with your tandem partner - for example in a café or in the park if the weather is nice - and you talk for a while in one language and then in the other. You decide together which topics to cover in your conversations. You also decide whether you just want to chat or if you want to correct each other's mistakes.
With a language tandem you can build on more than just your language skills. In an ideal scenario, you will like your tandem partner so much that you will simply have a good time together.

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