SKB 5 News ( Page 9 )


New office hours and telephone consultation hours.

New office hours and telephone consultation hours

Do you have questions about our language and culture program? From 10.5. you can contact us every Tuesday between 13 and 15 ...
New prices for language courses.

New prices for language courses

After 33 years, for the first time since its foundation, SKB.
Open position in SKB project coordination!

Open position in the project coordination of SKB!

You are interested, motivated and confident to be part of the coordination team of an intercultural and ...
The SKB is looking for new interns* starting March 2022!

SKB is looking for new interns starting in March 2022!

Are you a student and do you want to get involved in a self-organized project and later on also ...

Important dates

Every Thursday

Cultural Café: Dance and connect - Dance workshop

02.09.2024 – 11.10.2024

Intensive courses in the summer semester


Cultural Café: Virtual journey through Tokyo - Online lecture


Cultural Café: Semester Closing Party

17.10.2024 – 31.10.2024

Placement tests for Language courses in the winter semester

21.10.2024 – 04.11.2024

Course registration for Language courses in the winter semester

11.11.2024 – 14.02.2025

Language courses in the winter semester

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